My Task App

I used NextJS, TailwindCSS, MongoDB, and D3 to create a task tracking app. It includes one-off tasks for the day, and a daily routine tracker that includes a daily journal input.

Progress is shown in D3 charts. There's also a page for longer term projects, and a workout tracker that tells me what weights to use in my workout based on my previous session.

1. The Home Page

Home Page

On the homepage you can see Today's and Tomorrow's assigned tasks, your Event Calendar, and a Daily Check-in. Data is stored in a MongoDB database. It also uses a public API to give the local weather.

2. Project and Backlog Pages

Project Page

Use the backlog to see all historical tasks, or the Project tracker for longer-term goal setting.

3. Workout App


The workout tracker takes your previous performance for the exercise and automatically sets your weights for the next workout.

4. Mongo Backend


The MongoDB collections behind the app.